KS0346 Keyestudio Non-contact Liquid Level Sensor(Black and Friendly)

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This is a non-contact liquid level sensor can detect the liquid height in the closed container, overcoming the problem of thick container walls.
Its working principle is to use the water sensing capacitor to detect whether liquid is present. In the absence of liquid near the sensor, there will be a presence of distributed capacitance, and therefore there are some certain static capacitance to ground on the sensor. If the liquid is close to the sensor, the final capacitance of the sensor grows bigger. Then the changeable capacitance will be converted into some signal’s variation. Then, a certain algorithm will detect and determine how much this variation is. When a certain threshold value is exceeded, the liquid level is considered to reach the induction point.
Equipped with a XH2.54 conversion board, the signals can be controlled by sliding switch. Slide to SET end, the level is high; on the contrary, the level is low.
It can be interfaced with Arduino and other controllers, therefore, digital signals can be collected directly.


  • Working voltage: 3.3-9V (DC)
  • Output voltage: high level 3.3V-9V, low level 0V
  • Output current; 1.2-3.5mA
  • Interface: 3PIN interface
  • Weight: 23.3g

Connection Diagram


Test Code

      Liquid Level Sensor-XKC-Y25-T12V
    * ****************************************************
      This example is to get liquid level

      @author jackli([email protected])
      @version  V1.0
      @date  2016-1-30

      GNU Lesser General Public License.
      See <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> for details.
      All above must be included in any redistribution
    * ****************************************************/
int Liquid_level = 0;
void setup() {
  pinMode(5, INPUT);

void loop() {
  Liquid_level = digitalRead(5);
  Serial.print("Liquid_level= "); Serial.println(Liquid_level, DEC);

Test Result

After uploading the code to the development board and press its probe against the wall. When the liquid level is detected, the OUT pin outputs a high level, and the liquid level sensor indicator is on; otherwise the low level will be output, the sensor indicator will be off.